New Book: Exploring Ultraviolet Photography

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Book cover

A book has been recently published, which looks very useful for anybody with an interest in UV photography. It is brief, and explanations clear, but thorough about technical details. Lot of good practical advice is provided, and in the final chapter examples of different applications of UV photography are given. I haven’t yet finished reading it, but what I have read I have liked. I proper review will be published in the Bulletin.

Prutchi, David (2017) Exploring Ultraviolet Photography: Bee Vision, Forensic Imaging, and Other Near-Ultraviolet Adventures with Your DSLR. Buffalo, N.Y.: Amherst Media, Inc. 127 pages. ISBN13 9781682031247.

Price: 31,70 € at Book Depository and 37.95 USD (today at 24.11 USD) at Amazon US.

Cover image

And a booklet from 70 years ago from Kodak, costing originally 0.25 USD. Some interesting examples of the use of UV photography, and UV-excited fluorescence images are shown.

Kodak (1947) Kodak Data Book on Infrared and Ultraviolet Photography. 2nd edition. Rochester, N.Y.: Eastman Kodak Co. 40 pages.

Available at the Internet Archive.

One Comment:

  1. After reading the remaining of the book, I must say that my enthusiasm has to some extent faded away. I see two problem. The book focuses too much on the equipment the author himself uses, which means that the book will not age well. I have noticed some errors of fact in relation to filters. Overall, I still think the book will be useful to anybody interested in, but not yet familiar with, the requirements and uses of UV photography.

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